Writing a book is hard work! Pulling the words from within to create the story, editing, publishing and selling is hard, but also very rewarding. I suppose it could be compared to having children. I was inspired to write The Lens of God, and I'm glad I did. I think it's a great book and I hope you do too. Do I have ideas for other books? Yes. Do I want to write them? No, at least not right now. But who knows what the future holds?
A few reviews sent to me personally that are not on Amazon:
Thank you for showing, through your book, how easy it is to make God part of our daily lives and to converse with Him at any time.
I could not put it down and read it in one day.. dusk to dawn. It was GREAT!
I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! I especially liked how you wove in the prayers of the characters' during the story, as if God was right next to them. Thank you for the bible references in the back. I used the blank pages to write each verse out in longhand. So good!!
God has given you the ability to bring your characters, their surroundings, and their story to life. I entered into the characters story and saw the details and story play out in my mind. I started your book on Thursday night and finished Friday evening. In other words, I put it down to sleep, get ready for work, work, and eat. That's it!!
I was deeply moved by Stephen and Tasha. We all have something in our lives for which we need God's love and forgiveness. And His support. I think the greatest hurdle for all humans is to allow God to love us wholly and completely.
Finished reading this absolutely amazing book... Highly recommend this to everyone.